EMC analyses
and EMC optimization
Measurements of electromagnetic compatibility
An EMC-compliant system design is very important
With an EMC analysis the electromagnetic compatibility can be checked
In addition to an interference-free power supply, the fault-free, EMC-compliant design of the installation and consumer equipment is crucial today. Only if all measures to reduce interference coupling are implemented, modern systems and devices can be operated without failures.
PQ ENGINEERING offers the complete EMC inventory of your equipment. The EMC-compliant design, the connection of the machines and the grounding system are tested. In addition, measurements of wired grid disturbances often take place. Each inventory is completed with a comprehensive EMC test report.
With an EMC analysis the electromagnetic compatibility can be checked
In addition to an interference-free power supply, the fault-free, EMC-compliant design of the installation and consumer equipment is crucial today. Only if all measures to reduce interference coupling are implemented, modern systems and devices can be operated without failures.
PQ ENGINEERING offers the complete EMC inventory of your equipment. The EMC-compliant design, the connection of the machines and the grounding system are tested. In addition, measurements of wired grid disturbances often take place. Each inventory is completed with a comprehensive EMC test report.
PQE EMC analysis
The practical EMC inventory
Often, system failures are not only caused by grid reactions. The design of the control cabinets and the installation of cables, busbars and control cables also have a major influence on trouble-free operation.
Our EMC analyses have often enabled us to conclude lengthy troubleshooting procedures. Our specialists perform comprehensive inventories of existing systems and new installations. A large number of tests in Germany and abroad provide the basis for targeted testing and practical suggestions for improvement.
Typical faults such as parallel routing of power cables and control cables, incorrectly shielded motor cables on frequency converters or faulty earthing systems are highlighted and eliminated.
Grounding measurements
Optimum grounding as the basis of EMC
The potential equalization and grounding system has not only protection against electric shock. Only through optimal grounding sensitive electronic load and data transmissions can function error-free. Overvoltages are absorbed. For the grounding measurements of the plant we use the earth analyser from Metrel.